Rail News Home Federal Legislation & Regulation 2/4/2019 Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation STB installs Fuchs as vice chairman for 2019 Patrick Fuchs Photo – Patrick Fuchs' LinkedIn page The Surface Transportation Board (STB) has designated Patrick Fuchs as vice chairman. The vice chairmanship rotates among board members each year.Fuchs was sworn in last…
Posts published in February 2019
3D printed components to be tested on passenger trains 03 Feb 2019 3D PRINTING: Rolling stock leasing company Angel Trains, engineering consultancy ESG Rail and 3D printing technology company Stratasys have collaborated to use additive manufacturing to produce four train interior components meeting the standards required for use on UK rolling stock. The components include…
Rail News Home Federal Legislation & Regulation 1/31/2019 Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation ASLRRA holds fly-ins to build BRACE Act support in DC The American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) held a fly-in yesterday in Washington, D.C., to garner congressional support for the Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy (BRACE)…